Saturday, July 12, 2014

Can Cheap Skin Care Products Be Any Good?

 Author:  Dorothy A. Pela

There is a widespread belief that cheap skin care products are synonymous with inferior quality. High profile skin care companies build their marketing campaigns in such a way, so as to mislead ordinary consumers into believing that, in order for a skin care product to be any good, it has to be expensive.

In these hard economic times, however, more and more people are learning to look though the glossy advertising and search for hard, concrete evidence about the quality of a product.

Nevertheless, there is still a large portion of consumer public who choose expensive over cheap skin care products, in the hope that the former will be more effective.

The other day, I was reading about a very interesting experiment that was conducted by a consumer watch agency. Volunteers were asked to try, for a number of days, some facial skin care creams, ranging from cheap to expensive.

After the trial period ended, there was an evaluation of the results by comparing the condition of the volunteers' skin before and after the experiment.

The results were startling! There was not an appreciable difference between the effectiveness of the different products. In fact, the most expensive one was worse than most of the other ones!

My personal standpoint on this issue is that we should all become savvier when it comes to selecting the skin care products that are suitable for us.

We have to get into the habit of reading labels and recognize the fact that often the only difference between expensive and cheap skin products is just the cost of the package and the hype. According to industry estimates, there is a 500 to 1,000 percent between cost and sales price in cosmetics. This margin is needed, according to manufacturers, to meet heavy promotional expenses. Actually, the skin care industry is the largest advertiser on TV and in magazines.

So, in essence, most of the times, what we are paying is nothing more than the enormous amounts of money that the various entertainment industry celebrities are paid, just to endorse with their name the marketing campaigns of the big brand skin care companies!

However, there is hope.

Times are changing and companies are now exploiting the tremendous power of the internet to cut down on their marketing costs, by reaching their customers directly. In this way, they are able to offer cheap skin care products, which are high quality and are proven to bring about results.

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We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

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