Tuesday, July 30, 2013


How do you feel spiritually when you eat a meal that contains meat? You’ve probably never given it any thought, but that may because spiritually you feel nothing after eating a meal of meat except tired and sluggish. A diet of meat makes our bodies less functional, and we think of nourishing our bodies in terms of our organs and blood, but we don’t often think about how what we eat can impact the most important organ in our body, the brain.

When you eat a vegetarian diet, you begin to feel physically lighter and fit. When your body is fit, your mind is also lightened. Most cultures that focus more on spirituality and enlightenment are also vegetarian cultures. From the beginning of recorded history we can see that vegetables have been the natural food of human beings. Early Greek and Hebrew myths all spoke of people originally eating fruit. Ancient Egyptian priests never ate meat. Many great Greek philosophers such as Plato, Diogenes, and Socrates all advocated vegetarianism.

In India, Shakyamuni Buddha emphasized the importance of Ahimsa, the principle of not harming any living things. He warned His disciples not to eat meat, or else other living beings would become frightened of them. Buddha made the following observations: "Meat eating is just an acquired habit. In the beginning we were not born with a desire for it." "Flesh eating people cut off their inner seed of Great Mercy." "Flesh eating people kill each other and eat each other ... this life I eat you, and next life you eat me ... and it always continues in this way. How can they ever get out of the Three Realms (of illusion)?"

These are cultures that are considered more enlightened and focused more on spirituality than is Western culture. If we are to evolve into more spiritual beings, then we must begin to manage our physical lives in a way that will enhance our spirituality, and this means taking the path of vegetarianism as a path to enlightenment.


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Monday, July 29, 2013


You know that eating a vegetarian diet can decrease the incidence of heart disease and certain types of cancers. You also know that it can make you leaner and healthier. But so many of the health studies are done on men? What about women and the impact of a vegetarian diet on their health as they age?  

Diets that are high in protein, especially animal protein, tend to cause the body to excrete more calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. These three substances are the main components of urinary tract stones. British researchers have advised that persons with a tendency to form kidney stones should follow a vegetarian diet. The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that high animal protein intake is largely responsible for the high prevalence of kidney stones in the United States and other developed countries and recommends protein restriction for the prevention of recurrent kidney stones. 

For many of the same reasons, vegetarians are at a lower risk for osteoporosis. Since animal products force calcium out of the body, eating meat can promote bone loss. In nations with mainly vegetable diets (and without dairy product consumption), osteoporosis is less common than in the U.S., even when calcium intake is also less than in the U.S. Calcium is important, but there is no need to get calcium from dairy products. 

We continue to consume meat, while at the same time downing calcium supplements and prescription drugs to prevent osteoporosis, that often have drastic side effects. And most experts agree that calcium supplements are inferior to calcium derived from natural food sources. Doesn’t it make more sense (and cents) to get your calcium from eating a healthier diet?   

What are some good vegetarian sources of calcium? Orange juice, for one. Dry beans, such as black-eyed peas, kidney beans and black beans are another good source, as are dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale. Tofu is also a good source of calcium.

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Sunday, July 28, 2013


Think about it, have you ever seen a fat vegetarian? Probably not. In fact, for most of us, vegetarian is almost synonymous with lean and healthy, isn’t it? And when you start any diet, what’s the first thing the experts tell you? Generally it’s to increase the amounts of vegetables you’re eating and to eat limited amounts of meat, especially high-fat red meat and pork.  

And what happens when you resume your old eating habits? Generally the weight will come right back on. Even the greatest will-power can’t overcome the unhealthy effects of eating high-fat meat.  

When you eat a diet that’s higher in dietary fiber, that’s primarily if not totally vegetarian, you’re naturally healthier. You’re feeding your body and getting it the nutrition it needs to run efficiently. You have more energy and stamina; you wake up more easily and more refreshed. It’s easier to exercise, because you’re not so weighed down by digesting the high fat and excessive protein that comes from eating a carnivorous diet. 

Many diets fail because we think of them as depriving ourselves of food we love. The trick is to change that thinking. There are so many compelling reasons to eliminate meat from our diet, so why not forget about losing weight? Focus instead on eating healthier, or eating in a way that’s in balance with the earth, and that doesn’t need to subsist on the suffering of animals. You’ll probably find you’ll start to lose weight without even thinking about it!
And when you do lose weight, so many other health risks can fall by the wayside as well. You’ll find your blood pressure falls into a healthier range and your risk for Type II diabetes can decrease. You’ll look better and feel better and probably never go back to your old ways of eating!


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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vegetarians and Heart Disease

No matter what your reasons for eating a more vegetarian diet, there’s no denying the obvious health benefits that are derived from the elimination of red meat from your diet. On average, vegetarians have lower levels of the blood fats, cholesterol and triglycerides than meat eaters of similar age and social status have. High levels of blood fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Lacto-ovo vegetarians, those who eat eggs and dairy products, which contain cholesterol-raising saturated fats and cholesterol, have higher cholesterol levels than do vegans, as those who abstain from all animal foods are called. But even among lacto-ovo vegetarians, cholesterol levels are generally lower than they are among meat eaters. 

Researchers have found that older men who eat meat six or more times a week are twice as likely to die of heart disease as those who abstain from meat. Among middle-aged men, meat eaters were four times more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack, according to the study. As for women, who are partly protected by their hormones and generally develop heart disease later in life than men do, the risk of fatal heart disease has been found to be lower only among the older vegetarians.  In a 1982 study of more than 10,000 vegetarians and meat eaters, British researchers found that the more meat consumed, the greater the risk of suffering a heart attack. Though eliminating meat from the diet is likely to reduce your consumption of heart-damaging fats and cholesterol, substituting large amounts of high-fat dairy products and cholesterol-rich eggs can negate the benefit. To glean the heart-saving benefits of vegetarianism, consumption of such foods as hard cheese, cream cheese, ice cream and eggs should be moderate. And the introduction of more vegetables, fruits and raw foods will definitely enhance the benefits of abstaining from eating meat.


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Friday, July 26, 2013

Fish and Mercury

Many people think if they just eliminate red meat and poultry from their diets, their eating healthier. This is partly true, but there are hazards to eating fish and seafood as well. The harm that humans have done to the environment has had a direct effect on the fish and seafood we eat.

There are elements of fish and shellfish are an important part of a healthy diet. Fish and shellfish contain high-quality protein and other essential nutrients, are low in saturated fat, and contain omega-3 fatty acids. A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fish and shellfish can contribute to heart health and children's proper growth and development. So, women and young children in particular should include fish or shellfish in their diets due to the many nutritional benefits.

However, nearly all fish and shellfish contain traces of mercury. For most people, the risk from mercury by eating fish and shellfish is not a health concern. Yet, some fish and shellfish contain higher levels of mercury that may harm an unborn baby or young child's developing nervous system. The risks from mercury in fish and shellfish depend on the amount of fish and shellfish eaten and the levels of mercury in the fish and shellfish. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are advising women who may become pregnant, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children to avoid some types of fish and eat fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.

Is this anyway to eat? In fear of what unhealthy elements are lurking in the food we eat? Eliminating red meat and eating a more vegetarian diet is an excellent start on the road to more healthy eating. Eliminating fish and seafood is one of the final steps towards eating a complete vegetarian diet and the health benefits that are your reward for making that change.


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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Caged Chickens and Hormones

If most of us thought about the conditions in which chickens used for meat and eggs are raised and slaughtered, we’d become vegetarian on the spot. Egg-laying chickens can be raised in cages with 6 chickens to a cage, each chicken getting only 67 square inches of space for its lifetime.  

Unless they’re certified and labeled as being free-range or organic or natural, they might have been fed growth hormones to get them to slaughter faster, and antibiotics to combat the diseases which come from being raised in cramped and less-than-clean conditions.  

And consider what the recommendations are for cleaning up after touching poultry? It’s recommended to clean surfaces with bleach to remove bacteria, and to wash your hands thoroughly after touching a chicken. 

Do you really want to put something into your body that requires bleach to clean up after? Something that needs to be cooked to specific temperatures to be sure you’ve destroyed any bacteria that could make you sick?  

Chickens and turkeys have become so mass-produced and injected with antibiotics and hormones that there’s no taste to it anymore, so why bother? Even the most humanely treated chicken has either been stunned in a salt-water brine before being beheaded. In John Robbins excellent book and video, Diet for a Small Planet, he shows us pictures of chickens being grabbed in groups by the neck and thrown into cages. Can you really consider eating a chicken with that vision in your head? 

Any means of mass-producing animals for human consumption is by its very nature unhealthy and cruel for the animals, and unhealthy for humans as well. Even if you’re of the opinion that man is a natural hunter, how natural is it to eat an animal that’s been raised in captivity and fed a diet of hormones and antibiotics?


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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


People have different motivations for eating a vegetarian diet. For many people, it’s a health issue. They need to reduce their weight, bring down their blood pressure and cholesterol, manage their blood sugars. A vegetarian diet helps them do this.  

For others, it’s also moral and ethical decision not to eat animal products. Through the centuries, we’ve become accustomed to thinking of man as superior to all other animals on the planet. We use animals for food, clothing, shoes, belts or other accessories. We use them for scientific experiments. We discount their place on the earth and consider that animals are here to serve us and our needs. 

PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and is an organization devoted to changing that mindset among humans. They are against using animals for food or for clothing, especially for what they consider the needless or particularly inhumane use of animals, such as killing or trapping them for their fur.  

They are passionate about their cause. In their own words, PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use—for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, or any other reason.


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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Why Switch to Vegetarianism

If you’ve eaten meat and animal products your whole life, you might think, why switch to a vegetarian diet? You’ve lived your whole life eating eggs, hamburgers, hot dogs, poultry, so why switch now? 

There could be many reasons to switch. Start by looking in the mirror. Are you at a healthy weight? Do you look and feel good most of the time? Do you wake up energized? Or do you wake up tired and sluggish?  

How is your general health? Is your blood pressure within a healthy range? Are your cholesterol and blood sugar ranges normal? If they’re not, consider what you’re eating on a daily basis.  

How do you feel after eating? Do you feel energized, as if you’ve fed your body what it needs? Or are you tired and dragged out? Do you often need a nap after eating? Is that what food is supposed to do for us, make us tired and sleepy?  

Not really. Food should nourish and feed the body and leave us energized and refreshed. The human body is a machine and needs fuel that keeps it running in peak condition. When we’re fat, with high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, high cholesterol and other unhealthy conditions, it’s like a car engine that hasn’t been tuned or isn’t running on the optimal type of gasoline it needs to run efficiently. Your body is the same way. It needs the right kind of fuel to run at peak efficiency, and when you’re eating high-fat meat, or meat that’s been fed antibiotics throughout its life, that’s simply not the kind of fuel the human body evolved to run on.  

Try eating vegetarian for a week or a month. See if you don’t feel different, more mentally acute and more physically fit and energized. At least reverse the portion sizes you’ve been eating, and make meat more of a side dish, if you can’t stop eating meat altogether. Even that change can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Traditional Meat

How did our family traditions become centered around eating meat? Think about it. When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of turkey. If we eat pork, then New Year’s celebrations often revolve around pork and sauerkraut. At Christian Easter, the traditional meal is ham. And in the summer, we wait for that first hamburger or steak on the grill.  

How did that happen to a species that was designed to eat vegetables and fruits, nuts, berries and legumes?  

We can imagine that eating meat was initially an opportunistic event, born of the need to survive. The taste of cooked meat, plus the sustained energy that came from eating high-fat meat products made primitive sense even to earliest man. 

Initially, finding cooked animal meat, from a forest fire, would have been cause for celebration. It’s something everyone in a clan would have participated in eating together. When man learned to hunt and moved to a hunting orientation, rather than a hunter-gatherer orientation, he would have done this in groups. They would have had to hunt in teams, and killing an animal for food would have been a group effort. Hunting and killing an animal meant food not just for the individual, but for the clan, and would have been cause for celebration when the hunters brought the food home.  

If they brought the animal back to the clan, it would have taken a group effort to skin the animal and tear or cut the meat from the carcass. Everyone would have participated in this, and subsequently, shared in the rewards of their work. 
It’s easy to see how, once we didn’t have to hunt for meat, but could buy it, the need for gathering and celebration was deeply ingrained in our natures. We celebrate the seasons and life’s events with family and friends, and because those early celebrations involved eating meat, that tradition has continued to modern times.


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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why Did Humans Start Eating Meat?

It must have felt unnatural at first, to eat animal flesh. After all, we’re not so far removed from animals ourselves. Perhaps it even felt cannibalistic. There might not have been that much intellectual distinction between humans and other animals. When humans were pure vegetarians, they were living in harmony with the earth and with the other creatures co-habiting the planet with them. Their closest animal relatives, apes, were vegetarians. Eating the products of the earth, like plants, grains and fruits that they could gather and eat would have seemed the natural order of things. 

But necessity is the mother of invention. Prehistoric men who lived in frozen geographies, or who lived in an area that became devastated by fire, would have eaten anything to survive. Just like the soccer players whose plane crashed in the mountains of Chile, and were forced to eat the flesh of other players who died in the crash, earliest man at some point had to make the choice for survival, and that could have consuming meat for the first time and changing human history – and health – forever. 

We can imagine that men first ate meat that had been charred or cooked by virtue of being caught in a natural forest fire. They might have subsequently eaten raw meat, if necessary, but we can also imagine that our earliest digestive systems rebelled against eating raw meat. 

Imagine having eaten raw foods and vegetables for eons, and all of a sudden, incorporating meat products into your system. You may have heard friends who were vegetarians tell stories of trying to eat meat and becoming violently ill afterwards.  

Biologists will tell you we’re really not designed to eat meat, but we adapted to it. However, in the timeline of human history, eating meat is a relatively recent evolutionary development.

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Humans Did Not Always Eat Meat

 Do you ever think about how far we’ve diverted from the path of our pre-historic ancestors and they’re eating patterns? Consider how the earliest humans evolved, and what they ate. They were hunter-gatherers and did not evolve with the characteristics of carnivores. Humans aren’t made to tear animals apart and eat their flesh. When you look at carnivorous animals, such as wild cats, you can see their teeth are designed to rip and tear, not chew.  

Humans evolved from vegetarian creatures. Even our digestive systems are not particularly suited to eating meat. Eating meat is a relatively recent development in human history, most likely born of opportunity and necessity. Perhaps earliest man observed carnivores eating meat, and if they couldn’t find any of the natural foods they were used to eating, such as vegetables, berries, nuts and grains, then they might have assumed that eating meat would at least sustain life.  

But initially we emulated the creatures we evolved from, herbivores like apes. Even to a prehistoric mind, apes would have looked similar to man, walking primarily upright, with arms and hands. We naturally would have foraged for our food, eating roots and berries, fruits and nuts. We would have watched the apes peeling bananas, or crushing nuts on stones to get at the meat of the nut.
We would have been living more moment-to-moment, constantly foraging for food. Hunting, after all, requires thought and planning. Eating meat requires preparation and most importantly, fire. Until man discovered fire, he was primarily vegetarian, living in what was the natural order of things. Vegetarian eating is a more natural way of eating, in addition to being healthier. It’s a way that’s in balance with the planet, and doesn’t seek to dominate it and conquer it.


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Friday, July 19, 2013

You Are What You Eat

You’ve certainly heard the expression many times, “You are what you eat.” Have you ever really thought about what it means? And do you think about it when you’re making food choices?  

In some ways, we do become what we eat, literally. Have you ever seen an example of your blood plasma after eating a fast food hamburger? What was previously a clear liquid becomes cloudy with the fat and cholesterol that’s absorbed from eating a high-fat hamburger. 

And when you think about it, we also become what we don’t eat. When we switch from eating meat to a vegetarian-based diet, we become less fat, less prone to many types of cancers. Our cholesterol can improve. When we’re leaner and eating fewer animal products, then many other health and fitness issues are reduced. The incidence of Type II diabetes is reduced. Blood pressure falls into normal ranges. When you’re healthier, you’re taking fewer medications. Even if you have a prescription drug benefit in your health plan, you’re still saving money with fewer co-payments on medications. 

If you have a family history of high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then it’s particularly incumbent on you to revise your eating habits. Moving towards a more vegetarian diet has been shown statistically to reduce the incidence of so many of the diseases of industrialized countries. Vegetarians are statistically healthier than omnivorous persons; they’re leaner and live longer. 

Isn’t it time to think about what you want to be and to eat accordingly? Do you want to be sluggish and fat? Do you want the risk that goes with eating animal products, with their high fat content? Or do you want to look like and be what vegetarians are? Leaner and fitter with a longer anticipated lifespan. It’s never too late to change what you’re doing and increase your chances for a longer, fitter life.


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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Visiting Popular Summer Vacation Destinations While on a Budget

If you are like most other individuals and families, your finances may be tight.  There are many families who are just scraping by and others are the on the border of debt.  If this situation sounds all too familiar, a summer vacation may be the last thing on your mind.  If you and your family are interested in taking a summer vacation, you can, no matter what your financial situation. 

When selecting a summer vacation destination on a budget, it is important that you do not limit yourself.  There are too many individuals who search for a vacation destination solely based on price.  Instead of first searching for low-cost vacations, you are encouraged to find the vacation destination of your dreams.  Once you closely examine the hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, or beaches that your selected destination has to offer, you can easily learn how and where to save money. 

If the beach sounds like the perfect summer vacation destination, you have a number of options.  Popular beaches, that are designed for those on a budget in the United States may include, but are not limited to, Virginia Beach, Pensacola Beach, and Long Beach. You can plan a beach vacation in the Caribbean or overseas; however, the cost of travel will likely increase the cost of your vacation. 
Virginia Beach, Long Beach, Daytona Beach, Myrtle Beach, and Long Beach are all known as vacation “hotspots.”  Many individuals automatically assume that the most popular beach destinations are too expensive. While some facilities and activities may be high priced, there are ways for you to vacation there on a budget.  Instead of staying at an ocean-side resort, you could save a large amount of money by booking an inland hotel. The same can be said for restaurants, bars, and event centers.  Almost everything is more expensive on the shoreline.

If you are more interested in spending your vacation golfing, you may want to examine the golf resorts in and around the Untied States.  Many popular golf courses are located in Myrtle Beach, Newport Beach, and Scottsdale.  If you are on a budget, you can easily benefit from purchasing a resort package.  Many popular golf resorts, in the United States, Europe, and the Caribbean offer packages that offer accommodations that may include travel, hotel stays, golf course visits, and dining. 

Golf resorts are popular vacation destinations for many individuals, but many can be expensive.  If you are unable to obtain a discount vacation package, but you still want to your vacation to have a focus on golf, you have a number of options.  Many golf resorts allow vacationers to play on their courses, even if they are not staying at the resort.  It is also possible to golf at well-known golf courses that are not considered resorts.  As with a beach vacation, you may be able to save a large amount of money by staying at a hotel or dinning away from a golf resort.

Theme parks and amusement parks are popular vacation destinations, especially for those with children.  If you and your family are interested in vacationing at a United States theme park, you have a number of options.  Theme park resorts are similar to, the above mentioned, golf resorts.  A large number of well-known theme park resorts, including Orlando Studios, Disneyland, and Disney World can be selected, even if you are on a budget. Many of these resorts offer vacation packages that include hotel stays, theme park use, onsite dinning, and much more. 

Theme park resort packages are a great way to save money, but you could save even more by not paying for services that you will not use.  If you do not have to fly to reach your destination you should not have to have travel accommodations included in your package. You may also be able to find cheaper hotel accommodations that are located a short distance away from the theme park of your choice.  In addition to theme park resorts, you can find days of fun at smaller parks, such as Six Flags, Sea World, and Bush Gardens.

You may recognize many of the above mentioned summer vacation destinations.  Popular vacation destinations do not have to be financially out of your reach.  Simply by cutting a few corners, you could be vacationing along side the rest of America, even while on a budget. 


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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Vacationing in the Caribbean: Popular Summer Vacation Destinations

The Caribbean is famous for its collection of small islands, warm climate, wonderful hotel resorts, and amazing beaches.  The atmosphere created by in the Caribbean is ideal for those looking to get married, honeymooners, or just couples looking to get away.  While the Caribbean may appeal to those looking for romance, it is also a great area to vacation with your family.

As with any other area of the world, selecting a Caribbean vacation destination can be a difficult task.  In the Caribbean there are so many vacation destinations to choose from and they are all similar, in one way or another.  If you experience difficulty narrowing your search down to just one destination, you are encouraged to review some of the most popular vacation destinations in the Caribbean.  Below is an overview of five popular Caribbean destinations that attract beachgoers from all around the world. 

The Turks & Caicos Island is located in Atlantic Ocean. The two islands are not far from the Bahamas.  These Caribbean islands are most noted for their beautiful beaches and underwater adventures. The ocean water, near the Turks & Caicos Island, is home to large coral reefs.  These reefs bring in tourists from all around the world.  Aside from traditional beach activities, you can enjoy fishing, diving, and snorkeling. 

St. John is located in Virgin Islands in the Caribbean.  Many claim that the St. John beaches are the best in all of the Caribbean.  St. John visitors are encouraged to visit Trunk Bay.  Trunk Bay is owned and protected by the United States National Park Service.  Aside from traditional beachfront activities, Trunk Bay is well known for their snorkeling tours.  Trained, underwater guides and markers make the Turk Bay snorkeling adventure one of the best in the world. 

Canouan Island is located in the Grenadines, which can also be found in the Caribbean.  Canouan Island comes highly recommend from beach lovers.  Beach activities include wind surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and sailing.  Canouan Island is most well known for its private and intimate settings.  While many beaches in and around the Caribbean fill up each year with tourist, Canouan Island is still relatively undiscovered.

The tagline for Jamaica is “no wonder hearts beat faster in Jamaica.”  This tourist slogan is accurate in more ways than one.  Jamaica is home to wonderful beaches, including Seven Mile Beach.  While Jamaica has a number of beach resorts that are so beautiful it is often hard to describe, they are most well-known for their music and fun offshore activities.  Vacationers visiting Jamaica will not leave the island unsatisfied.

The Cayman Islands is another popular summer vacation destination in the Caribbean. All three islands, Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac are home to a number of popular beaches, the most popular Being Seven Mile Beach. Seven Mile Beach is located on the Grand Cayman Island. All three islands offer numerous on and offshore activities.  With Seven Mile Beach being one of the most well-known beaches in the Caribbean, it is often packed with travelers.  Vacationers looking for more intimate settings in the Cayman Islands often vacation at one of the two smaller islands.  Of course, you could always visit all three if you wish to.
Millions of tourists flock the Caribbean for their summer vacations.  If you have yet to visit the Caribbean area, you are encouraged to get down there and see what you have been missing.  Whether you choose to vacation at one of the above mentioned Caribbean destinations or you select another, you are sure to have a vacation that will be impossible to forget. 


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Vacations: Why Your Family Should Take One

Each year, a large number of families make the decision to take a summer vacation.  Despite the fact that a large number of individuals do vacation during the summer months, there are even more families that do not.  Which type of family are you?

There are a number of reasons why a particular family may be unable to take a family vacation.  One of the most common reasons involves the cost.  Unfortunately, many individuals mistakenly believe that a vacation has to be an extravagant adventure. It doesn’t matter whether you travel to the closest amusement park, camp overnight at a state park, or travel around the world, each can be considered a summer vacation.

In addition to the cost of a vacation, a large number of families are unable to take a family vacation due to their busy schedules.  Summer vacations are popular because they are often the only time that a family can take a break from their daily activities.  If you are able to set aside time, whether it be three days or three weeks, you are encouraged to schedule a summer vacation with your family.  Doing so has an unlimited number of benefits. 

Perhaps, the greatest benefit of scheduling a summer vacation with your family is the amount of time that you will be able to spend together.  In this day in age, many families are rarely able to spend time together.  Long work hours, homework, and busy sports schedules often prevent a family from enjoying dinner or other fun activities together.  In some cases, a summer vacation is the only way that a family can spend uninterrupted time together.

The relaxation that a summer vacation will provide your family with is another benefit of scheduling one.  Today, children must operate and function differently than they had to in the past.  School age children are often bombarded with large amounts of homework, on a daily basis.  This homework, along with active sport schedules and pressure to be the best, can be difficult for children to handle.  A summer vacation may provide them with the rest and relaxation that they need and deserve.

In addition to your children receiving relaxation, it is quite possible that you and your spouse could as well.  It is true that children have a lot of pressure placed on them, but so do parents.  Scheduling a summer vacation with your family will give you the opportunity to forget about work related issues and home cleaning. These are some of the problems and issues that only a summer vacation could cure.

If you are interested in scheduling a summer vacation, you and your family are encouraged to pick a destination together.  Selecting a summer vacation destination as a family will enable everyone to have access to fun filled activities.  In addition to selecting the perfect family vacation, your children may experience a feeling of importance.  This feeling of importance if often generated from having an input on a large decision, such as your next summer vacation destination.

As previously mentioned, a large number of activities can be considered a summer vacation.  If you are interesting in taking a vacation this summer, you and your family should take the time to find the perfect summer vacation destination.  Why would you want to continue to spend your summers around the house, especially when everyone could be enjoying themselves away from home?


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations with a Focus on Families

Choosing the perfect summer vacation can be difficult, especially if you have a family.  There area a number of vacation destinations that could be considered “family friend,” but not all are.  As a parent, you may be wondering how you can find the perfect summer vacation destination for your family.
When traveling with children, the guidelines used to select a vacation destination change.  Instead of choosing a cheap vacation destination or one that is guaranteed to offer excitement, you will need to keep your family in mind.  You can do so by targeting your summer vacation destination to the ages of your children.  There are a large number of vacation activities that are only suitable for children of a certain age.  You are advised to keep these activities in mind when selecting a destination.

Planning a family vacation around your children may seem difficult, but it is something that all parents must to.  If you are concerned with the limited number of activities that your child may be able to participate in, you could work to develop their ability to participate.  For example, if you are interested in vacationing at the beach, but your child does not know how to swim, you could easily teach him or her. This action could make a beach vacation doable for your family.

Once you have decided which type of family vacation you’d like to take, you can start selecting a destination.  When selecting a destination it is also important to examine the destination’s ability to accommodate children.  For instance, if you are interested in taking a beach vacation, many families choose to stay away from the South Beach area of Miami.  Of course, you can schedule your next vacation there if you’d like; however, the area is well-known for its famous nightlife. 

If you are looking for a vacation destination that specifically targets families, you may want to examine vacationing at an amusement park.  Amusement parks are located all around the world and they come in a wide variety of different sizes.  For shorter vacations, you can visit a smaller amusement park.  For longer vacations, you can select an amusement park that is large in size and has overnight accommodations.  These amusement parks are not limited to, but are likely to include, Orlando Studios, Six Flags, and Disney World.

Amusement parks are well-known for being “family friendly.”  Almost all amusement parks offer a wide range of rides and attractions geared towards individuals of all ages.  In addition to targeting adults and teenagers, many amusement parks offer rides and attractions for infants and toddlers.  In some areas of the world, amusement parks are the only summer vacation destinations that offer activities that are designed to target toddlers and other small children.

In addition to amusement parks, many families decide to choose a campground or state park as their next summer vacation destination.  Camping is a popular outdoor activity.  Children of all ages enjoy camping near a lake, pond, stream, or in the woods.  In addition to camping, many campgrounds offer activities such as fishing, boating, and outdoor sports.  Families with a toddler may want to closely examine their decision to vacation in the wilderness.  Toddlers have the ability to quickly move and sneak around.  Being outdoors, unsupervised, is unadvised and poses as a danger for many children. 
Vacationing at a well-know campground, state park, or amusement park is ideal for families looking to plan a summer vacation.  While they are all popular vacation destinations, it is important to remember that they are not the only destinations available.  When traveling with children, you can still select the vacation destination of your choice.  However, while doing so, you are encouraged to use your best judgment.

With a small amount of research, it is possible to plan the family vacation of your dreams.  There are a large number of popular summer vacation destinations that target families as a whole.  Booking a vacation at one of these popular destinations is the best way to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy their summer.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations: Top Rated American Beaches

If given the opportunity, many individuals would love to travel to the Caribbean or vacation overseas; however, many individuals are unable to do so.  Many of the beaches found in the Caribbean are incomparable; however, you may be able to find similar alternatives in the United States. 

Caribbean beaches are popular for an unlimited number of reasons.  Many individuals enjoy the clear waters, white sand, top-of-the-line resorts, and tropical climates. With a small amount of research, you may be able to find beaches with similar features in the United States.  To get your search started, below is a summary of just a few of the most popular beaches in the United States. 

Ocracoke Island, located in North Carolina, is a popular summer vacation destination for families.  Located on the outer banks of North Carolina, Ocracoke Island is only accessible by boat or airplane.  It is home to a number of popular beaches.  Ocracoke Island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Pamlico Sound. Activities at Ocracoke Island include, but are not limited to camping, boating, fishing, surfing, swimming, and sunbathing.

When searching for beaches, many individuals automatically examine beaches located along the coast of Florida.  In Florida, you are likely to find an unlimited number of beaches that could serve as your next summer vacation destination. These beaches include, but are not limited to South Beach, Miami Beach, Daytona Beach, and Pensacola Beach.

South Beach, located in Miami, Florida, is ideal for those who are looking for a number of activates, on and off the beach. South Beach offers beach activities such as swimming, sunbathing, surfing, and boating.  Off the beach, South Beach is most well-known for its nightlife.  Along the coast, there are an unlimited number of restaurants, clubs, and bars. Many of these entertainment venues are visited by vacationing celebrities. 

Aside from Florida, the state of California is home to a number of popular beaches. Among those beaches, Newport Beach is one of the most sought after vacation destinations on the west coast.  Newport Beach has always been a popular vacation destination, but popularity increased when the area became the focus of multiple television shows.  Newport Beach is known for its fun on and offshore activities.  These activities may include, but are not limited to volleyball, Frisbee throwing, boating, surfing, and sunbathing. 

While New York beaches may not offer a tropical climate, during the summer months their beaches are in full swing.  Main Beach is located in East Hampton, New York.  Despite being located in the Northeast, Main Beach is one of the top rated beaches in the country.  White sands and clear water make this East Hampton beach just as beautiful as the beaches found in the Caribbean.

Politically speaking, Hawaii is considered one of the fifty states; however, geographically it is out in the ocean alone.  Many of the top rated beaches in the Untied States are located on one of the Hawaiian Islands. Depending on where you are located, traveling to Hawaii can be an expensive trip.  Vacationers who are able to finically afford a trip to Hawaii are encouraged to take it.  The beaches found in Hawaii are as close to a Caribbean beach as you can get. Popular Hawaiian beaches include Honaunau Bay and Poipu Beach.

When selecting your next summer vacation destination, you may very well find yourself vacationing at one of the above mentioned beaches. The above mentioned beaches are just a few of the many that can be found in the Untied States.  Always remember, you don’t have to select the most popular beach in the world just to have a fun vacation. Fun and memorable vacations can easily happen, no matter where you vacation.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations for Ideal Teens

Teenagers are often hard to please.  If you are the parent of one, you are likely to understand this better than anyone else.  Vacationing with your teenager can be an experience, one which you may not always wish to remember.  To prevent boredom and an unhappy child, you are encouraged to select a summer vacation destination that has your teenager in mind.

When selecting a summer vacation destination that has a focus on teens, you are encouraged to keep your child’s likes and dislikes in mind.  Just because one teenager enjoys playing video arcade games, does not mean that yours will.  Not only is it important to find a vacation spot that is geared towards teenagers, it is also important to make sure that your teenagers will enjoy or make use of the available activities and facilities. 

Amusement parks and theme parks are popular vacation destinations that target teenagers.  In addition to traditional amusement parks that can be completed all in one day, there a number of amusement park resorts.  These resorts may include Disneyland, Disney World, and Orlando Studios.  In addition to these resorts, you may find smaller parks that offer onsite camping or hotel accommodations, such as Six Flags.

In addition to amusement parks, teenagers may find thrills while white water rafting.  White water rafting tours are available all around the United States.  Popular white water rafting locations include West Virginia, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho.  If you are interested in scheduling a white water rafting vacation, you are encouraged to keep your children’s level of, or lack of, rafting experience in mind.  For inexperienced white water rafters, a guided tour is recommended.

One vacation destination, for teenagers, that often goes unnoticed is aboard a cruise ship.  Cruise ships operate all around the world. Many of the most popular cruises take place in the Caribbean and in Europe.  Many cruise lines operate multiple cruise ships.  Many of these ships are geared towards families.  Your teenager may find many onboard activities, such as swimming, dancing, playing video games, watching movies, and rock climbing, exciting. 

There are a number of well-known cities, all around the world. These cities are often famous for one reason or another.  If you and your family are interested in taking a vacation with your teenager you may want to consider visiting one of these cities.  New York City, Hollywood, Toronto, Ontario, and New Orleans often attract large numbers of tourists.  Many of these locations often have a number of events and attractions that may appeal to your teenager.

As previously mentioned, it is important to consider what your teenager likes and dislikes doing.  In addition to determining their vacation preferences, you may want to consider allowing them to help you choose your next summer vacation destination.  Allowing your teen to help plan your summer vacation will not only ensure that you will pick a destination that meets their approval, but you will be able to spend time together.  Finding a summer vacation destination together will be time well spent.

No matter how you choose your next summer vacation destination or where that destination ends up being, you and your family should have a memorable experience. By researching a vacation spot before you book your reservations, you can make sure that your memorable experience is memorable in a good way.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations for Holiday Travelers

When you think of holiday travel, what comes to your mind first?  When thinking of holiday travel, many individuals automatically think of traveling to visit with family and friends for Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter.  While these may be the most well-known holidays, they are not the only ones.  In the summer months, many individuals and families make the decision to vacation on or around Labor Day or the Forth of July. 

If you are interested in vacationing on or around Labor Day weekend or the Forth of July weekend, there are a number of important factors that you should first consider.  Perhaps, the most important factor is number of other travelers on the road.  As previously mentioned, a large number of individuals and families make the decision to travel on a summer holiday weekend.  If you are interested in vacationing at a popular destination, you may want to take this into consideration. 
In most of the world, summer is associated with sun, sand, and beaches.  The majority of families that travel on Labor Day weekend or the Forth of July weekend are heading to the beach.  There are a number of popular beaches that can be found in the United States and Europe.  Popular beaches in the United States include Daytona Beach, Virginia Beach, and South Beach.  St. Tropez, Cannes, Costa Smeralda, and Marbella are popular summer beach destinations in Europe.

When selecting a summer holiday vacation destination, it is important to keep what you need and want out of your vacation in mind.  If you are looking for a romantic, but private getaway, you may want to avoid the above mentioned beaches.  If large crowds and a lack of privacy will not have a negative impact on your vacation then you select just about any destination in the world. 

Beaches can easily be considered the most popular summer vacation destinations, but they are not your only options when vacationing during a summer holiday.  To many, Labor Day and the Forth of July mean outdoor barbeques and picnics.  For this reason, public campgrounds and parks are popular summer vacation destinations.  If you are interested in camping outdoors, grilling, and participating in outdoor activities, camping may be a great vacation for you and your family.

Outdoor camping is enjoyed by many.  Its allure is privacy.  Most campgrounds are founded in largely landscaped areas.  Trees and large bushes often create private retreats.  In addition to being found in wooded areas, public campgrounds can also be found along secluded beaches and in the mountains. State or national parks, which allow camping, and public campgrounds are often filled with a number of facilities.  These facilities often include onsite laundromats, general stores, and game rooms.

Outdoor camping is most often perceived as sleeping outdoors in a tent.  Tents are often the most used piece of camping equipment, but RVs are gaining popularity. If you do not own an RV, you can easily rent one from a number of locations.  There are many individuals and families who enjoy taking a road trip throughout the United States or Europe.

Beaches and campgrounds are popular vacation destinations for summer holiday travelers.  However, it is important to note that you should not limit yourself to the vacationing at the beach or camping.  Additional fun-filled activities may include visiting a museum, zoo, or amusement park.  When it comes to summer holiday travel, just about anything is possible. 


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations for Beach Lovers

Do you consider yourself a beach lover?  If you love the sand, the water, and the sun, you may be considered a beach lover, on a number of different levels.  Individual who love the beach are more likely to select a beach for their next summer vacation destination.  If you are interested in experiencing a vacation on the beach, there are a number of important factors that you should first consider.

When planning a beach vacation, there are many individuals who wish to visit the “hottest,” beaches.  While it is nice to experience what so many individuals view as popular, there are a number of disadvantages to visiting these popular vacation destinations.  One of those disadvantages includes the number of tourists.

In the summer months, a large number of individuals flock to the beaches along the coast.  This often results in beach overcrowding.  If you do not mind be one of thousands of people at the beach, there shouldn’t be a problem.  However, if you are looking for a private or romantic beach getaway, you may want to examine more secluded beach resorts.  In addition to romantic getaways, many families find it difficult to vacation at an overcrowded beach, especially if they have young children.

If you are looking for a secluded beach, there are a number of options. The majority of these options include inland beaches.  Many individuals do not consider inland beaches to be true beaches, but many offer the same on and offshore activities.  Inland beaches vary from location to location.  Despite their variation, all will have a body of water nearby.  Many popular inland beaches are set on the banks of a river, lake, or other large body of water. 

When choosing your summer beach destination, you will want to examine the accommodations nearby.  Large beaches are often stocked with nearby hotels. While having a number of hotels nearby is nice, you will often have to arrange travel accommodations just to reach the beach. These extra accommodations can be eliminated if you select a hotel that is within walking distance to the nearest beach.  Beach resorts are another way to select a vacation destination that does not require excessive amounts of travel.

Beach resorts are often classified as beaches that have onsite hotels.  In addition to offering overnight accommodations, beach resorts have a number of other services and features.  Onsite accommodations often include room service, in-room internet hookup, fitness centers, and onsite restaurants.  In addition to offering a large number of hotel services, many beach resorts offer vacationing services to their customers.  These services may include guided fishing tours, swimming lessons, and much more.

If you are interested in vacationing at a beach along the coast, you have a number of options.  Almost all states, including those located up north, have ideal summer vacation spots.  Popular coastal beaches include, but are not limited to, Long Island, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, California, Texas, Oregon, and Washington. 

As previously mentioned, coastal beaches are popular vacation destinations.  If you are looking for a secluded vacation destination, that is still considered a beach, you are encouraged to examine inland beaches.  Many popular inland beaches can be found in Upstate New York, Central Florida, Wisconsin, and Michigan. 
As with most other summer vacation destinations, you are encouraged to make the appropriate travel plans and overnight accommodations ahead of time.  A large number of beach hotels and beach resorts allow online reservations.  Once you have decided on a particular vacation destination, you should be able to book your vacation reservations in a matter of minutes.  All you need is an acceptable form of payment, often a credit or debit card, and you can relax until your vacation date arrives.

If you love the beach, why settle for a summer vacation that leaves you bored and disappointed?  Beach lovers rejoice and spend your summer at the sunny destination of your choice.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations for Amusement Park Lovers

Selecting a summer vacation destination can be a difficult task.  When searching for summer vacation destination options, you are likely to see that there are an unlimited number of options available.  To select the perfect destination, you are urged to think about what you want and need out of a vacation.  If you are a thrill seeker or you live for excitement, you may want to consider vacationing at an amusement park. 

In many areas of the world, an amusement park is often referred to as a theme park.  If you are searching for popular amusement park destinations, you may always want to consider searching for theme parks, as well.  Theme parks differ slightly from amusement parks.  The only difference is that there is often a theme present. This theme may involve popular cartoon characters, a particular style of music, animals, or other popular topics. 

Once you have made the decision to select an amusement park as your next vacation destination, you will have to find the park that you want to vacation at.  To enjoy a vacation on a budget, there are many individuals who consider visiting an amusement park that is located near their home.  If you are interested in making more out of your amusement park vacation, you may want to examine parks located in other areas of the world. 

One of the many concerns of vacationers, maybe even yourself included, is the amount of activities found at an amusement park.  Amusement parks come in all different sizes.  If you are interested in traveling a long distance to reach the amusement park of your dreams, you may need to make other accommodations.  To eliminate additional plans, you may want to consider vacationing at an amusement park resort.

Amusement park resorts are resorts that have an amusement park, as well as other additional facilities and accommodations. Onsite hotels, golf courses, spas, and restaurants are just a few of the many facilities that can be found at an amusement park resort.  The additional facilities and activities are often what make these resorts so appealing.  In addition to enjoying amusement park attractions, you could spend the day at the spa or on the golf course.

In the United States, three of the most popular amusement park resorts include Disneyland, Disney World, and Orlando Studios.  If you are interested in booking your next vacation at one of these well-known resorts, you are encouraged to book your reservation well in advance.  Without a reservation, you will still be granted admittance into the park, but reservations are often needed for hotels, fine dining restaurants, and golf courses.

While amusement park resorts are popular, they are often expensive.  If are looking for a way to vacation at an amusement park without having to pay a large amount of money, you may want to consider traditional amusement parks. These amusement parks may offer onsite camping or hotel accommodations, but they are not considered resorts.  If you are only interested in the rides and attractions at an amusement park, then you may be able to save money by avoiding popular resorts.
In the United States, well-known amusement parks include, but are not limited to, Bush Gardens, Sea World, and Six Flags.  Many of these amusement parks are not considered resorts, just traditional theme parks. All Sea World parks focus on marine life.  In addition to park rides, aquatic shows are available.  Many Six Flags parks have a Looney Tunes theme.  This theme is apparent as soon as you walk in the door and are greeted by popular cartoon characters.  Many Bush Garden parks have a safari theme.  In addition to park rides, many parks have onsite zoos. 

Once you have found an amusement park that you’d like to visit, you can easily begin preparations to reach your destination.  Once there, you and your family will have fun vacationing at a destination that is designed to bring out the thrill seeker in you.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Summer Vacation Destinations: Nude Beaches

To go nude or not to go nude?  That is the question that many vacationers end up asking themselves.  If you are interested in spending your summer vacation at an overseas beach, it is likely that you will have to decide.  Many overseas beaches are classified as being nude beaches. 

Nude beaches are ideal for adults who are vacationing with a mature crowd. Whether you are vacationing overseas with your friends or you are vacationing with your partner or spouse, many adults find nude beaches appealing. In a way, many couples find nude beaches to be exotic; thus, creating a romantic atmosphere.

In the United States, nudity is a controversial topic.  If seeing nude men and women frolicking on the beach does not bother you, you may want to consider selecting a nude beach as your next summer vacation destination. When it comes to selecting a nude beach to visit, you have a number of options.  Below is an overview of three popular nudist beaches that you may want to select as your next summer vacation destination.

The Montalivet Beach is located in France.  It is known as one of the most popular nude beaches in the world. France is often credited for the development and increased popularity of nude beaches.  The beach is located on the Atlantic coast and it offers a number of overnight accommodations, including bungalow rentals and campsites.  The atmosphere at Montalivet Beach is often reported as being safe for individuals of ages.

Samurai Beach, located in Australia is another, one of many, top rated nude beaches.  Multiple resorts along the beach, including Bardot’s Clothing Optional Resort, allow nudity.  In fact, nudity at the Samurai Beach is so common that it has become the home of the Nude Olympics, which are held on a yearly basis. 

Greece is home to a number of nude beaches, including the popular Red Beach.  In addition to vacationing on the beach nude, Greece is well-know for its history. There are a number of historical landmarks along the Red Beach.  Red Beach is famous for its lack of limits on nudity.  The only restriction, at this popular nude beach, is that clothing must be worn in the dining hall.  A large number of nude beaches limit when and where you can be in the nude, but Red Beach offers freedom to all.

As previously mentioned, nude beaches are ideal for mature crowds.  If you are vacationing with your family or other young children, you may want to reexamine your decision to vacation at a nude beach.  While a number of nude beaches are classified as being “family friendly,” nudity may create some confusion, especially with younger children.  If you are still interested in visiting a beach overseas, below is an overview of three popular beaches, where clothing is required. 

Located in Thailand is the island of Phi Phi Leh.  The most well-known beach is the area is the Maya Beach. The area was damaged in the tsunami a few years back, but, for the most part, the area has seen a rebirth.  In addition to traditional beach activities, new facilities, services, and activities have been added for tourists.

Cannes is located in the French Riviera.  Cannes is most well-known for its frequent celebrity visits.  While Cannes is often viewed as a costly vacation destination, you may be able enjoy the beaches and the amazing scenery on a budget. 

The Bondi Beach, located in Australia, is a popular vacation destination.  Beaches line the coast of this large island. Due to its popularity, Bondi Beach is often overcrowded. Despite large crowds, tourists often enjoy the numerous on and off shore activities found at Bondi Beach.

In addition to the above mentioned beaches, there are a large number of additional overseas vacations.  Whether you choose to vacation at a nude beach or a beach where clothing is required, you are sure to find the perfect summer vacation destination. 


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Summer Vacation Destination Packages: What They Are

If you are your family are interested in taking a summer vacation, you will have to make a number of decisions.  Two of the most important things to consider when scheduling a summer vacation is what your destination will be and how much the vacation will cost. 

When researching popular summer vacation destinations, it is likely that you will come across vacation packages.  If you are wondering exactly what a summer vacation package is, you are not alone.  A number of individuals are unsure exactly what they are.  Summer vacation packages are often viewed as deals or discounts.  Instead of having to pay separately for your hotel and beach or park admission, you likely only have to pay one lump sum.

While hotel accommodations and nearby vacation facilities are often included in a vacation package, you are encouraged not to assume this when purchasing one.  Summer vacation packages are offered by a wide variety of different companies.  Each company is likely to offer their own package styles. This means that while one vacation package may include the cost of admission to a private beach, another may not. 

Hotel accommodations and nearby attractions are often found in a hotel package; however, they may not be the only thing found.  You may be able to find travel accommodations included as well. These packages are often found with large resorts or cruise ship packages. The travel included in your vacation package is likely to be either by airplane, bus, or train.

With summer vacation destination packages, there is a misconception among the general public. This misconception involves the amount of money you will save by purchasing a summer vacation package.  As previously mentioned, these packages are often viewed as deals or discount; however, that is not always the case.  Before agreeing to purchase a package, you are encouraged to compare the package cost to the cost of vacationing and paying as you go. 

When comparing the cost of a paying as you go to purchasing a summer vacation destination package, you are encouraged to keep the cost of travel in mind.  If your vacation package includes the cost of travel, you should determine whether or not the travel arrangements are even needed.  If you select a summer vacation destination that is close to or within driving distance to your home, you may save a substantial amount of money driving there instead of flying.

To determine whether the hotel accommodations included in your vacation package are worth the cost, you will need to compare hotel costs.  By contacting the hotel listed in a vacation package, you can easily determine the cost of stay.  The same information can also be obtained by visiting the online website of the hotel you wish to request information from. You may be surprised to see a difference between the two. Depending on the vacation destination package in question, you may find the difference saves you money or ends up costing you more.

When searching for vacation destinations online, it is likely that you will be bombard with package deals and discounts.  If you are not presented with these offers you can easily find them.  Most vacation packages are not offered directly by the owner of a specific hotel or restaurant.  If vacation packages are available for direct purchase, they are often from a large resort.

Online travel websites and professional travel agents are where most vacation packages are found.  Online travel websites are nice because they are often free to use, but you are encouraged to watch for hidden fees.  These hidden fees, if they do exist, could cause a significant increase in the cost of your summer vacation package.  If you intended to use the services of a professional travel agent, their services will cost money, but their fees are established upfront. 

The only way that you can determine whether or not a summer vacation destination package will save you money is by closely examining the details of the package.  Be sure to read all policies and exclusions.  Closely examining vacation package details will ensure that you do not lose money, when you should be saving it.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Selecting Your Summer Vacation Destination

Have you and your family made the decision to plan a summer vacation this year?  If you have, you are not alone.  Each year, a large number of families decide to vacation in the summer months.  If you have already selected your summer vacation destination, you are one step ahead of most families.  If you have yet to choose a vacation destination, you will have to do so. 

Planning a summer vacation can be an easy task, but at the same time it can be difficult.  It all depends on what you need and want to get out of your summer vacation.  The first step in planning your summer vacation is not necessarily to choose a destination, but to choose a scenery.  Would you like to go camping in the woods, sailing on the water, or be relaxing at the beach? The things that you want to do on your vacation are vital to the selecting the perfect summer vacation destination. 

Does riding a rollercoaster, sailing on the water, or relaxing at the beach all sound exciting?  If each of these activities offers you excitement, you may have a difficult time narrowing down your search to just one destination.  To decide on the perfect vacation destination, you are encouraged to research a number of popular vacation “hotspots.” 

Information and travel brochures can easily be found or ordered online.  Brochures can be ordered from most large cities and popular vacation destinations in the United States or overseas.  A large number of these brochures are free and are filled with valuable information.  If you want to take the time to research a number of popular summer vacation destinations, you are encouraged to request these brochures well in advance.

Researching a collection of summer vacation destinations is a great way to plan your own vacation; however, it can become a long and difficult process. This process becomes even more difficult if you searching for a unique vacation destination.  To save time and money, you may want to consider researching the most popular destinations in the United States.

It is likely that you already know a number of popular summer vacation destinations off the top of your head.  You are encouraged to perform a standard internet search on each of these destinations.  You may also want to order a number of travel brochures.  It is important to remember that it may take a few weeks for your travel packets to arrive. 

As previously mentioned, it is likely that you may know of a number of popular vacation destinations.  If you are only able to remember a limited number of locations, you may want to rely on suggestions from others.  These suggestions should be closely examined before booking a vacation.  You never know what vacation ideas you could get just by speaking to friend, family member, or co-worker.

If you and your family are interested in a simple vacation, you could vacation at an amusement park. There are a large number of amusement parks located all across the United States.  You could visit a local amusement park or you could travel across the country to find one; your options are literally unlimited.  Some of the well-known amusement parks in the United States include Six Flags, Bush Gardens, and Sea World.

If a vacation on a beach is more your style, you have a number of options to choose from.  There are a large number of beaches located along the Untied States coasts and overseas.  It is also important to note that beach vacations do not have to be limited to the coast.  There are a number of popular beach resorts located inland too.  These inland resorts are often located on large lakes.  Popular beaches that you may recognize include Myrtle Beach, Daytona Beach, South Beach, Panama City Beach, and Santa Barbara Beach.

It is easy to see that you have an unlimited number of options when it comes to choosing a summer vacation destination.  Taking the time to seriously consider each destination may result in the vacation of your dreams.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Reach Your Summer Vacation Destination with These Popular Methods of Travel

If you are interested in taking a summer vacation, there are a number of decisions that you will have to make.  The decision most often thought about is your summer vacation destination.  Some individuals and families spend days, even weeks, selecting the perfect summer vacation destination.  While choosing a destination is important, so is deciding how you will get there.

In the United States and overseas, there are a large number of different travel methods.  Each of these methods could be used to assist you in getting to your next summer vacation destination.  To determine which method of travel is best for your needs, you are encouraged to closely examine each method. 

One of the most popular methods for summer vacation travel is the road.  A large number of individuals and families make the decision to drive to wherever they are going. It is often thought that air travel is the most popular; however, it is usually not.  If you are interested in driving yourself and your family to your vacation destination, there are a number of important factors that you should first consider. Those factors are likely to include the cost of travel.

Currently, in the United States, there is a growing concern with the rising cost of gasoline.  For years now, summer travel has often meant an increase in the price of gasoline. Before deciding to drive to your next summer vacation destination, you are encouraged to determine the estimated cost of gasoline.  There are many families who find that the cost of gasoline is often not worth the trip.
In addition to the cost of gasoline, the wear and tear of your vehicle should be considered.  The longer the distance of travel, the more your car is likely to depreciate in value. There are many individuals who mistakenly assume that there is no connection between a family vacation and the value of the family car. When a car generates excessive miles, the value of the car will decrease. This value is important when trying to resell your vehicle or offer it as a trade-in.

If you find that the traveling on the road is not a viable travel option, you may want to consider air travel.  Air travel is almost as popular as road travel.  A large number of individuals and families travel the skies to make it to their next summer vacation destination.  With thousands of flights taking off each day, it is likely that you could find multiple flights that will allow you to arrive right at your vacation destination.

If you decide on air travel, you may want to search for online discounts.  In addition to traditional airline discounts, there are many popular vacation resorts that partner with particular airlines. By booking airplane reservations, you may be able to receive significant discounts to popular hotels or restaurants while on vacation. When using an airplane to get to your destination, you will arrive quicker than any other travel method.

Air travel is often considered the most preferred method of travel; however, a large number of individuals are unable to afford tickets. The price of gasoline has not only affected the cost of driving your vehicle, but the cost of purchasing an airline ticket, as well.  There are many individuals who mistakenly believe that if they are unable to drive themselves or book airline reservations, they will be unable to take a vacation.  This is simply not true. There are a number of other travel methods that can be used to reach your next vacation destination. 

Train travel and bus travel may help you reach your vacation destination. While they may not be considered the most glamorous methods of travel, they are often considered the cheapest.  There are a large number of passenger trains and buses that depart from the Untied States, and other areas of the world, on a daily basis.  It may take you longer to reach your anticipated destination, but tickets are almost always affordable.

Understanding your travel options is the best way to plan your summer vacation.  You can select the perfect vacation destination, but if your method of travel is unpleasant, your vacation could be ruined.  With a little bit of research and decision making, you should be able to find the perfect way to arrive in style at your next summer vacation destination.


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Preparing For Your Summer Vacation

Are you taking a summer vacation this year?  If you are, have you already started preparing for your trip?  Online, there are a large number of preparation tips available for summer travelers.  While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by.  This is because not everyone vacations at the same location.  When preparing for your summer vacation, you are encouraged to keep your destination in mind. 

No matter what your vacation destination is, you will need to take the climate into consideration.  If you are visiting a tropical location, you will need to bring along the appropriate clothing.  Bathing suits, shorts, t-shirts, and tank tops are common appeal found at beaches and aboard cruise ships.  While you may be expecting warm and sunny weather, it is still advised that you prepare for the worst.  Raincoats and an umbrella may be a great addition to your summer clothing. 

Whenever you leave home, no matter where you are traveling to, you are always encouraged to have the proper forms of identification.  If you do not have a driver’s license, you can easily obtain an id card from your local county office building.  In addition to the proper identification, it is advised that you bring along all health insurance and auto insurance cards.  Should you need care or get into an automobile accident; this information will come in handy.

Perhaps, the most popular summer vacation destination is the beach.  Each year millions of individuals and families flock to beaches. When vacationing at the beach, it is important that you bring along the appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen.  In addition to sunscreen, you will need to make sure that you have beach towels and plenty of water on hand.

Cruise ships are a popular vacation choice for many individuals and families.  If you are taking a cruise, you are advised to start preparing for your trip as soon as you book your reservation.  Unlike many other vacations, a cruise often requires a large amount of preparation. 

When preparing for your cruise, it is important to keep in mind where your ship will be headed and what stops are planned along the way.  When on international waters or traveling to a foreign country, a passport is required.  If you do not already have a passport you will need to obtain one.  Passports can easily be obtained, but they do require approval.  That is why you should apply for a passport as soon as you make your cruise ship reservation. 

In addition to going on a cruise or vacationing at the beach, many families make the decision to go camping.  Similar to taking a summer cruise, camping often requires a large amount of preparation.  The amount of preparation needed often depends on where and how you will be camping.

When camping, you will need to determine where you will be sleeping. If you are camping with an RV, you will need to make sure that it is stocked full of supplies.  If you plan on camping outdoors, you will need to make sure that you have your tents ready to go and that all of the pieces are accounted for.  If you plan on boating, hiking, or fishing, you will want to bring the appropriate gear with you.  Many campgrounds are in secluded areas; therefore, if you forget something, you often have to go without. 

For the most part, if you forget to bring along certain supplies you can purchase replacements.  The only downside to purchasing what you need at your vacation destination is the price.  Many popular vacation destinations have inflated prices. To prevent unnecessary expenses, you are encouraged to check your luggage before you leave. 

In addition to the above mentioned preparation tips, you are urged inform friends and family of where you are headed to.  If you have developed an itinerary, you are encouraged to give this information to someone that you know.  In the event that something happens back home, you can easily be reached.  If you have any pets, you will need to make the proper arrangements for someone to care for or feed them. 

It cannot be emphasized how important the preparation for your summer vacation is. Preparing for your vacation may seem overwhelming, but if you do your preparation in steps the process becomes easier to manage. 


Disclaimer: We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.