Saturday, October 04, 2014

Use an Effective Age Spots Removal Organic Skin Care Cream for Safe Whitening

Author:  Laurel Levine

Let's face it. If you are beginning to see the signs of dark spots developing on your skin you will soon be on the market for an effective age spots removal organic skin care cream. I would actually avoid most of the formulas on the market for reducing the melanin content in your skin however. Some of the commonly used "skin whitening" compounds can have a negative effect on your health.

Just to set the record straight the melanin hyperpigmentation you are experiencing has absolutely nothing to do with your physical age. What causes the darkening of remote areas of the skin is the accumulative damage to your skin cells from exposure to direct sunlight. This is why these discolored areas tend to appear on the forehead, face, neck, shoulders, hands, and in balding men the top of the head.

These are the areas of the body most often affected by the sun's rays, and the UV radiation that this star emits. Tanning is the body's automated defense system for preventing UV radiation from damaging underlying cells, but there is no way to avoid the damage that occurs to your outer layers of skin. An effective age spots removal organic skin care cream is designed to reverse the effects of the harm your skin has suffered.

It takes many years for the results of the injury to your skin to appear, and it usually doesn't begin to show up until a person is well into their forties. This is why the formation of these marks has been linked with age, but the truth is that the more time a person has spent in the sun over the years the earlier these spots could begin to appear. Let's look at your choices for treating the problem.

One of the most effective ingredients found in age spots removal organic skin care cream is Hydroquinone, which is a type of phenol. Products that contain this compound are widely available except in Europe, which banned Hydroquinone after studies indicated that the phenol causes leukemia in animals. I believe that it is better to be safe than sorry, so I don't recommend putting this compound on your skin.

Other "skin whiteners" such as ammoniated mercury and Mercury (II) chloride have long been known to be toxic to humans. Whether such a compound is effective in reducing the melanin content of your skin or not it is irresponsible for any company to allow you to absorb a known potent toxin into your skin. If I was you, I would use the safe and effective products that contain Extrapone nutgrass root.

When included as a primary ingredient in an age spots removal organic skin care cream Extrapone root extract will lower the melanin content of your skin by as much as 40 percent. This drop in melanin will result in not only the disappearance of the hyperpigmentation you currently suffer, but also the prevention of new dark spots.

Make no mistake about it. An age spots removal organic skin care cream with Extrapone nutgrass root extract is the best way for you to deal with your problem.

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