Monday, October 06, 2014

Discover Diets for Healthy Skin

Author:  Laurel Levine

Have you read about this recently? A number of different diets for healthy skin are currently being promoted. Here you can learn about the beneficial components of each one (no brand names mentioned). Remember that diet gurus are trying to sell books, food and supplements.

You can learn from some of the things that they have to teach, but you don't need to spend a fortune on the wares they are selling. A couple of diet doctors have even come up with their own line of skincare products.

After reading about the ingredients, they aren't any better than anything else on the market. In fact, there are some skincare products that are much better, in terms of safety and effectiveness.

You should be using good skincare products, too. Try to stay with the most natural and the purest. Avoid products that contain petrolatum and mineral oil. They'll clog your pores and interfere with the skin's natural rejuvenation processes. That causes pimples and blackheads.

When it comes to diets for healthy skin, here's a brief rundown of what you should and should not be eating.

1. Eat complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) instead of simple carbs (white bread, potatoes, sugar, junk food). Simple carbs contribute to acne, cause inflammation (a cause of cellular aging) and contribute to wrinkles. Complex carbs provide antioxidants that help prevent and repair free radical damage (another cause of cellular aging)

2. Choose fish, soy and legumes for protein. They provide omega-3 fatty acids, Phytosterols and antioxidants. They are nutrient rich, but lower in calories than other protein selections.

3. Whenever possible, choose organic foods. They provide more nutrients and contain fewer toxins.

4. Take a good multi-nutritional supplement every day and an omega-3 supplement. The vitamins A, C and E are important to the skin's health. The B-vitamins help reduce inflammation and protect against sun damage. Sulfur, iodine, PABA and l-methionine should all be included in diets for healthy skin. But, any nutrient deficiency can cause a problem. That's why a good multi-nutritional supplement is advisable.

When it comes to protein, be sure that you are getting at least a half gram per pound of bodyweight every day. Without proteins, the skin's cells and fibers cannot reproduce. If your body needs the protein elsewhere, it will never make it to the skin.

Proteins are important components of diets for healthy skin. Some types of protein work well when applied directly, too.

Most of the protein-enriched creams on the market do not contain a form that can be absorbed by the skin's cells. But, one formulation, called Functional Keratin, can be absorbed and used to rebuild new cells and to increase the skin's moisture content. Research has shown that the regular use of creams containing Functional Keratin provided a 40% improvement in firmness after only 18 days.

You see, it's actually pretty simple. If you choose the healthiest foods, take good supplements to insure against deficiencies and use good anti-aging skincare products, you don't need to buy special books about diets for healthy skin. You already have the knowledge you need.

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We intend to provide readers with news and information. It is not intended to give personal medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. Acting on any information provided herein without first consulting a physician is solely at the reader’s risk.

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